
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Fake news

 Hey bloggers, 

This is my fake news. Me and my partner Cameron made it for cybersmart. We had to make a fake URL at the top to make it look like a fake website. We did the fake news about Donald Trump getting attacked by an eagle in New Zealand. Have you made fake news before? Hope you like my blog post! This is where I got my info from: LINK

Friday, October 30, 2020

My poster about penguins

 Hey bloggers, 

This is the post I did in room 3 while the year 5's and up were at camp. We planned to make a poster about a sea animal we liked.  I choose the penguin because they are really cool and I like that they are black and white.  I wrote about what it looked like, what it eats, where it lives and facts about a penguin. Here is what I did:

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Camerons and I Cyber smart game

 Hey bloggers,

Today we were doing  cyber smart and we did this cool game.  We played a game with player A and player B. I was player A. We played a game when there were pitures and we had to put them in the right places. I got all of them correct but we did not have any time to finish. This is a piture of one of the games:

When we finished the game we thought it was battle ships and that he sunk all of my ships.  Then we did the rest we were both really good. Please comment! Have you done this before?


Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Hi bloggers this is what i now about commenting: 
1. You do a greeting
2. You do something positive
3. Say something thoughtful
4. Say something helpful
5. Write a question.

In a comment you actaully have to read the post and write about what you have read. You have to write at the start to it was to and who it was from. Then you have to press publish to get the comment to the person. Then one day they might comment on you! + there can be no private info.

My fist comment today is on storms blog.


My secound comment today is on Camerons blog.
To Cameron,
This made me remember when we did it together.
I did the commenting thing to.
Next time you could try making the thumbs down a little littler so i can see the text.
Do you know how to make a good comment?
From: Sonny.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Pirate Map

Hello Bloggers,

Today I had to do a map with Kingston and Maier. They did my map well i did theirs. There map was kinda hard because there said i had to go to a playground but there 3 playgrounds. I completed the map and got a lollie pop. They liked mine and i liked thiers. Their treasure was on the monkey bar and mine was on the obstacle corse. Have you made your own map?  Hope you like my post please comment.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Are awesome blog post!

Hello Bloggers! We have been learning cyber smart! We did a thing to make a quality blog post. we had to check if the comment was good or bad. Here is the piture of what i did:
It went awesome!,
because I read the instructions good and i know what to do.
Thank you for looking at my post! please comment.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Scavenger hunt

Hi bloggers,

Yesturday my class split up into groups to do a scavenger hunt. My team people were: Cameron, Lukas, Maier and me. I had to hold the pice of paper with the clues. There was fifteen clues to find and 2 were fake. I learnt that old Pirates had sords and new ones have guns. I really enjoyed the hunt. Thank you for reading. Please comment!.

Friday, June 12, 2020

The work i have done this week.

Hey bloggers,

This is my post about this week. We learnt an new maths thing called area. We did some animals and figured out how much squares were in the animals. Then we made are own area. I learnt how to type with out looking at the keyboard. We also made cards for the staff. We played some games and our prinsable Mr Norman told us more about him. Hope you like my post! Please comment.                                                                                                                                                      

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

All about me!

Hello bloggers!,

This is my post about my all about me. We have been learning how to find out wich photos we can use and what we can. Also we have been making an all about me. We got the pitures from this website called: Unsplash. here is the link to what we did: It was pretty hard to strech the photo but i loved getting the pitchers. It was hard chosing the pitures because i liked all of them. This is the link to unsplash: Thank you for looking at my post! What is your favirout food?

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

About Me

Hi Bloggers!,
This is all about me 😐 I am a boy whom has a red brick house and has a cat called ash. I have a sister and a brother. I love LEGO and am so good at it and the same with PS4. My favirout animal is a cat. I also like Australia. This is my classes link:

Friday, May 8, 2020

Fizz & Foam

Fizz & Foam

1 I put some vinegar in a container

2 I put 2 teaspoons of baking soda into the container

What happened? 

The baking soda and vinegar mixed together and made a gas which made a foam that kept rising higher and higher. They turned from solid and liquid into gas. I tasted it and my Mum said it would taste like coke but it taste disgusting.

Billowing balloons

Hi bloggers, This is my science experiment.

Billowing Balloons

1 I put some vinegar in a bottle

2 I rolled the paper like a cone and put the balloon over the end

3 I put 2 teaspoons of baking soda into the balloon

4 I took the cone away and put the balloon over the top of the bottle

5 I lifted up the balloon and the baking soda mixed in with the vinegar

What happened? 

The baking soda and vinegar mixed together and made a gas which filled up the balloon. They turned from solid and liquid into gas.

The gas was produced with such force that my balloon blew off the top of the bottle and the gas was gone. So when I put the balloon back on, it only filled up a little bit.

Next time, I will hold on to the balloon so it doesn't fly off the bottle.

Lava Lamp

Hi bloggers,

This is my post about my science. I did a Lava Lamp. It was a chemical change. The disprin tablet changed from a solid into carbon dioxide gas. When the gas went through the water and baby oil it made bubbles and blobs. The baby oil sat on top of the water because water is more dense than baby oil. You should try this experiment at home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My Birthday

Hello Bloggers,

This is my post about my birthday. It is on the 1st of May. I had pancakes with bacon and jelly on the side in bed. Then I opened up my presents. I got lollies, a war plane, a really cool space LEGO set, a book about LEGO, and a LEGO star wars micro fighter series 9. Then I had a really big lunch and got full. After that we played pass the parcel. Then it was dinner time. I could not eat dinner because I was so full. Then we watched a movie called The cat that came from outer space, made in 1974. Please comment!.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Gratitude list

Hi bloggers!!

This is my gratitude list for RE. These are the things that I like and God has given me.

What are you grateful for?

Please comment.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Activite 2

Hey Bloggers!

this is my reading for today. Activite 1 does not work so this is it. Hope you like it. Please comment.

go side ways and up and down

Friday, April 17, 2020

Chocolate mug cake-science

Hey bloggers,

Today I did a Science experiment about Chemical and Physical change.

The dry ingredients like cocoa, flour and salt were solid and then there was a Physical change and they became liquid because they were mixed with milk egg and melted butter.

I cooked the mixture in the microwave and the baking powder made the mixture rise up in the cup. This is a Chemical change.

I hope you like my photos. I liked the mug cake. It was filling. I did not think it was going to be sooooo filling.


Hey Bloggers, These are the things I do to help around my house.

1 Clean up my room.
2 Help Bob do the password to the phone.
3 Empty the dishwasher.
4 Make lunch.
5 Set the table.
6 Clean up the backyard.
7 Weeding.
8 Clean up messes with brush and shovel.
9 Vacuuming.
10 Open and shut the door quick when it's cold.

Esio Trot

Hi bloggers

I am doing a novel study on Esio Trot by Roald Dahl. Did you know that Esio Trot spelt backwards is Tortoise?

Here is activity 1 and 2.

Please comment.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Maths T2 W1

Hey bloggers, this is my math for today. hope you like it! please comment.

The unbirthday birthday

Hi bloggers, This is some of my school work for the week. hope you like it! please comment.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Emmaus story

Hi bloggers, This is my post about the Emmaus story. My family watched the video for it this morning and I read the story. I hope you like the post! please comment.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Canterbury earthquakes

Hi bloggers,

This morning there was a magnitude 4.4 earthquake in Christchurch. Then I watched a program called When A City Falls. It showed the 2 Christchurch earthquakes. This is my slide show about it. PLEASE COMMENT!

Monday, April 6, 2020

My Dads Birthday

Hi bloggers,

This is my post about my Dads Birthday. It was on April 5, 2020. He turned 38.
Hope you like the pictures. My sister and me made the cake. It was 2 layers. We put M&Ms and chocolate icing in the middle. We put chocolate icing, M&Ms, crunchies and white chocolate on top. I liked it.

We had PANCAKES for breakfast and played pass the parcel. We could NOT buy my dad a present because the shops were CLOSED! I made him 2 cards and one was with my brother because he cannot write.

My favourite part of the day was when we watched one of my dads favourite movies called The Swiss Family Robinson. Please comment.